
Exor believes that great companies perform to the highest standards, seek out renewal and change and are distinctive in what they do. In doing all of this, they also need to act in a responsible way. For us this means:

  • Align with best practices and reporting frameworks;
  • Identify priorities, set targets, measure and report progress;
  • Continue to raise the bar;
  • Aspire to industry sustainability leadership.

Exor has created a framework that we apply to ourselves and use across our companies to help them frame and communicate their sustainability ambitions. This is structured in three parts as described below.


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These are fundamental set of sustainable procedures, policies and guidelines that we expect both Exor and our companies to put in place. They include but are not limited to:

  • Making sustainability a priority among leadership teams and boards;
  • Adopting a Code of Conduct and adhering to widely-recognised guidelines;
  • Implementing a whistle-blower mechanism;
  • Ensuring that risks are evaluated and mitigants are identified periodically.

Exor will continue to review and add to this list of foundational elements over time as we and our companies continue to raise the bar.


Exor has identified three “passions” that it is pursuing at Exor level and which it champions with its companies. These passions are derived from Exor's discussions with its stakeholders, as well as from our history and values.


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Exor has made commitments in relation to each of these passions at holding company level and we are encouraging all of our companies to include them in their own sustainability thinking.


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Exor’s sustainability passions are aligned with a sub-set of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as shown below. We are including the SDGs in Exor’s sustainability communication and are also encouraging their use across our companies.


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Sustainability as an investment opportunity

Alongside our sustainability activities, Exor will continue to look for investment opportunities within the sustainability space, building on our recent experience of such investments.

Exor will continue to develop its approach to sustainability as we recognise that this is a critical responsibility both at holding level and in the role that we play in relation to our companies.

For more information regarding Exor’s key policies, please visit: ‘Corporate Regulations’.